123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import copy
- import os
- from collections import defaultdict
- from typing import Optional, Union
- from fastapi import APIRouter, Query, Depends, Path, UploadFile, File
- from openpyxl import load_workbook
- from sqlalchemy import or_, and_, desc, asc
- from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
- from starlette.background import BackgroundTasks
- from admin.api.endpoints.school.utils import check_row, check_filetype
- from bgtask.tasks import bgtask_update_class_teacher_student
- from core.config import settings
- from core.security import hashed_password
- from crud.school import crud_school, crud_grade, crud_class
- from crud.user import crud_student
- from models.user import Admin, Student
- from schemas.base import ReturnField
- from schemas.school.student import StudentList, StudentDetail, NewStudent, StudentInDB, UpdateStudent
- from utils.depends import get_async_db, get_current_user
- router = APIRouter()
- # 学生列表
- @router.get("/students",
- response_model=StudentList,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="学生列表")
- async def get_students(page: Optional[int] = None,
- size: Optional[int] = None,
- sno: str = Query("", description="学号"),
- name: str = Query("", description="学生姓名"),
- tid: int = Query(0, description="学生ID"),
- sid: int = Query(0, description="学校ID"),
- gid: int = Query(0, description="年级ID"),
- cid: int = Query(0, description="班级ID"),
- order: str = Query("-id", description="排序字段,用逗号分隔,升降序以-判断"),
- res: ReturnField = Query("", description="返回字段,取值: id,name,sno,phone"),
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Admin = Depends(get_current_user)):
- # 过滤条件
- _q = {}
- if sno:
- _q["sno"] = sno
- if name:
- _q["name"] = name
- if tid:
- _q["id"] = tid
- if sid:
- _q["school_id"] = sid
- if gid:
- _q["grade_id"] = gid
- if cid:
- _q["class_id"] = cid
- if ((page is not None) and page >= 1) and ((size is not None) and size >= 1):
- offset = (page - 1) * size
- else:
- offset = size = None
- # 排序字段
- order_fields = []
- if order:
- for x in order.split(","):
- field = x.strip()
- if field:
- if field.startswith("-"):
- order_fields.append(desc(getattr(Student, field[1:])))
- else:
- order_fields.append(asc(getattr(Student, field)))
- total, items = await crud_student.find_all(db,
- filters=_q,
- offset=offset,
- limit=size,
- order_by=order_fields,
- return_fields=res)
- for x in items:
- if not x.age:
- x.age = ""
- return {"total": total, "data": items}
- # 创建学生
- @router.post("/students",
- response_model=StudentDetail,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="创建学生")
- async def create_student(info: NewStudent,
- bgtask: BackgroundTasks,
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Admin = Depends(get_current_user)):
- # 判断学校是否存在
- db_school = await crud_school.find_one(db,
- filters={"id": info.school_id},
- return_fields=["name", "category"])
- if not db_school:
- return {"errcode": 404, "mess": "学校不存在!"}
- # 判断年级是否存在
- db_grade = await crud_grade.find_one(db, filters={"id": info.grade_id}, return_fields=["name"])
- if not db_grade:
- return {"errcode": 404, "mess": "年级不存在!"}
- # 判断班级是否存在
- db_class = await crud_class.find_one(db,
- filters={"id": info.class_id},
- return_fields=["id", "name"])
- if not db_class:
- return {"errcode": 404, "mess": "班级不存在!"}
- # 判断是否存在同年级同学号
- existed = await crud_student.count(db,
- filters=[
- or_(
- and_(Student.school_id == info.school_id,
- Student.sno == info.sno),
- Student.phone == info.phone)
- ])
- if existed:
- return {"errcode": 400, "mess": "学号或手机号重复!"}
- # 开始创建
- obj_in = StudentInDB(**info.dict(by_alias=True),
- period=db_school.category,
- school_name=db_school.name,
- grade_name=db_grade.name,
- class_name=db_class.name,
- username=info.phone,
- password=hashed_password(info.phone[-6:]),
- creator_id=current_user.id,
- creator_name=current_user.username,
- editor_id=current_user.id,
- editor_name=current_user.username)
- db_obj = await crud_student.insert_one(db, obj_in)
- # 异步更新班级的学生数量
- bgtask.add_task(bgtask_update_class_teacher_student, db_class.id, "add", 0, 1)
- return {"data": db_obj}
- @router.get("/students/{sid}",
- response_model=StudentDetail,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="学生详情")
- async def get_student(sid: int = Path(..., description="学生ID"),
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Admin = Depends(get_current_user)):
- db_obj = await crud_student.find_one(db, filters={"id": sid})
- return {"data": db_obj}
- # 更新学生
- @router.put("/students/{sid}",
- response_model=StudentDetail,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="更新学生")
- async def update_student(info: UpdateStudent,
- bgtask: BackgroundTasks,
- sid: int = Path(..., description="学生ID"),
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Admin = Depends(get_current_user)):
- # 判断提交参数是否为空
- info_dict = info.dict(exclude_none=True)
- if not info_dict:
- return {"errcode": 400, "mess": "提交参数为空!"}
- # 判断学生是否存在
- db_obj = await crud_student.find_one(db, filters={"id": sid})
- if not db_obj:
- return {"errcode": 404, "mess": "学生不存在!"}
- # 判断学校是否存在
- if ("school_id" in info_dict) and (db_obj.school_id != info_dict["school_id"]):
- db_school = await crud_school.find_one(db,
- filters={"id": info.school_id},
- return_fields=["name", "category"])
- if not db_school:
- return {"errcode": 404, "mess": "学校不存在!"}
- else:
- info.school_name = db_school.name
- info.period = db_school.category
- # 判断年级是否存在
- if ("grade_id" in info_dict) and (db_obj.grade_id != info_dict["grade_id"]):
- db_grade = await crud_grade.find_one(db,
- filters={"id": info.grade_id},
- return_fields=["name"])
- if not db_grade:
- return {"errcode": 404, "mess": "年级不存在!"}
- else:
- info.grade_name = db_grade.name
- # 判断班级是否存在
- if ("class_id" in info_dict) and (db_obj.class_id != info_dict["class_id"]):
- db_class = await crud_class.find_one(db,
- filters={"id": info.class_id},
- return_fields=["name"])
- if not db_class:
- return {"errcode": 404, "mess": "班级不存在!"}
- else:
- info.class_name = db_class.name
- bgtask.add_task(bgtask_update_class_teacher_student, db_obj.class_id, "del", 0, 1)
- bgtask.add_task(bgtask_update_class_teacher_student, db_class.id, "add", 0, 1)
- # 判断手机号是否重复
- if ("phone" in info_dict) and (db_obj.phone != info_dict["phone"]):
- db_student = await crud_student.find_one(
- db, filters=[Student.id != sid, Student.phone == info.phone])
- if db_student:
- return {"errcode": 400, "mess": "手机号重复!"}
- info.username = info.phone[-6:]
- # 更新
- info.editor_id = current_user.id
- info.editor_name = current_user.username
- db_obj = await crud_student.update(db, db_obj, info)
- return {"data": db_obj}
- # 删除学生
- @router.delete("/students/{sid}",
- response_model=StudentDetail,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="删除学生")
- async def delete_student(bgtask: BackgroundTasks,
- sid: Union[int,
- str] = Path(...,
- description="学生ID,批量删除传用逗号分隔ID(str),单个删除传ID(int)"),
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Admin = Depends(get_current_user)):
- # 查询所有学生
- if isinstance(sid, int):
- deleted_count = 1
- _q = [Student.id == sid]
- else:
- sids = [int(x.strip()) for x in sid.split(',') if x.strip()]
- deleted_count = len(sids)
- _q = [Student.id.in_(sids)]
- total, db_objs = await crud_student.find_all(db, filters=_q)
- # 删除
- for item in db_objs:
- await crud_student.delete(db, obj_id=item.id)
- bgtask.add_task(bgtask_update_class_teacher_student, item.class_id, "del", student_amount=1)
- return {
- "data": total,
- "mess": "success" if total == deleted_count else f"成功:{total},失败: {deleted_count - total}"
- }
- # 批量导入学生
- @router.post("/students/bulk",
- response_model=StudentDetail,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="批量导入学生")
- async def import_student(bgtask: BackgroundTasks,
- datafile: UploadFile = File(..., description="数据文件"),
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Admin = Depends(get_current_user)):
- # 判断文件格式
- if not check_filetype(datafile.filename, ".xlsx"):
- return {"errcode": 400, "mess": "文件格式错误!"}
- # 把文件写入磁盘,再加载回来
- disk_file = os.path.join(settings.UPLOADER_PATH, datafile.filename)
- content = await datafile.read()
- with open(disk_file, "wb") as f:
- f.write(content)
- # 返回结果
- phones = []
- snos = []
- errors = []
- success = 0
- students = []
- counter = 0
- class_students = defaultdict(int)
- schools = {}
- grades = {}
- classes = {}
- # 使用openpyxl读取文件
- wb = load_workbook(disk_file)
- ws = wb.worksheets[0]
- for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=2, max_col=ws.max_column, max_row=ws.max_row, values_only=True):
- row = await check_row(row, 9)
- if row is None: # 空行
- continue
- elif not row: # 字段不完整
- errors.append(f"第{counter}行: 某些单元格为空!")
- continue
- # 判断学校是否存在
- if row[6] not in schools:
- db_school = await crud_school.find_one(db,
- filters={"name": row[6]},
- return_fields=["id", "category"])
- if not db_school:
- errors.append(f"第{counter}行: 学校不存在!")
- continue
- else:
- schools[row[6]] = {"id": db_school.id, "category": db_school.category}
- # 判断年级是否存在
- grade_key = f"{row[6]}-{row[7]}"
- if grade_key not in grades:
- db_grade = await crud_grade.find_one(db,
- filters={
- "school_id": schools[row[6]]["id"],
- "name": row[7]
- },
- return_fields=["id"])
- if not db_grade:
- errors.append(f"第{counter}行: 年级不存在!")
- continue
- else:
- grades[grade_key] = db_grade.id
- # 判断是否存在同名学生
- if (row[5] in phones) or (row[1] in snos):
- errors.append(f"第{counter}行: 学号或手机号重复!")
- continue
- else:
- phones.append(row[5])
- snos.append(row[1])
- # 判断数据库是否存在重复的学号或手机号
- db_student = await crud_student.count(
- db,
- filters=[
- or_(and_(Student.school_id == schools[row[6]]["id"], Student.sno == row[1]),
- Student.phone == row[5])
- ])
- if db_student:
- errors.append(f"第{counter}行: 学号或手机号重复!")
- continue
- # 判断班级是否存在
- class_key = f"{grade_key}-{row[8]}"
- if class_key not in classes:
- db_class = await crud_class.find_one(db,
- filters={
- "school_id": schools[row[6]]["id"],
- "grade_id": grades[grade_key],
- "name": row[8]
- },
- return_fields=["id"])
- if not db_class:
- errors.append(f"第{counter}行: 班级不存在!")
- continue
- else:
- classes[class_key] = db_class.id
- class_students[classes[class_key]] += 1
- # 创建学生
- obj_in = StudentInDB(sno=row[1],
- username=str(row[5]).strip(),
- password=hashed_password(str(row[5]).strip()[-6:]),
- name=row[2],
- sex=1 if (not row[3] or row[3] == "男") else 0,
- age=row[4] if row[4] else 0,
- phone=row[5],
- sid=schools[row[6]]["id"],
- school_name=row[6],
- period=schools[row[6]]["category"],
- gid=grades[grade_key],
- grade_name=row[7],
- cid=classes[class_key],
- class_name=row[8],
- creator_id=current_user.id,
- creator_name=current_user.username,
- editor_id=current_user.id,
- editor_name=current_user.username)
- students.append(obj_in)
- success += 1
- counter += 1
- if counter == 50:
- try:
- await crud_student.insert_many(db, copy.deepcopy(students))
- except Exception as ex:
- print(f"[student] INSERT-ERROR: {str(ex)}, students: {students}")
- return {"errcode": 1, "mess": "入库失败,请联系技术人员解决!"}
- else:
- students.clear()
- counter = 0
- if counter:
- try:
- await crud_student.insert_many(db, students)
- except Exception as ex:
- print(f"[student] INSERT-ERROR: {str(ex)}, students: {students}")
- return {"errcode": 1, "mess": "入库失败,请联系技术人员解决!"}
- # 异步更新班级的教师数量
- for k, v in class_students.items():
- bgtask.add_task(bgtask_update_class_teacher_student, int(k), "add", student_amount=1)
- # 删除上传文件
- os.remove(disk_file)
- return {"data": {"success": success, "fail": len(errors), "errors": errors}}