123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import json
- from typing import Union
- from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, Query, Path
- from sqlalchemy import select, func, case, or_, and_, distinct, asc
- from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
- from starlette.background import BackgroundTasks
- from bgtask.tasks import (bgtask_create_student_push_record, bgtask_clone_student_push_record,
- bgtask_delete_student_push_record)
- from crud.marktask import crud_student_answer, crud_task
- from crud.paper import crud_question
- from crud.problem import (crud_class_push_record, crud_class_error_statistic,
- crud_student_push_record, crud_student_error_statistic)
- from crud.school import crud_class
- from crud.user import crud_student
- from models.marktask import MarkTask, StudentAnswer
- from models.paper import PaperQuestion
- from models.problem import ClassErrorQuestion, StudentErrorQuestion
- from models.user import Student, Teacher
- from schemas.base import DetailMixin
- from schemas.paper import UpdateMarkTaskInfo
- from schemas.problem import (ClassErrorQuestionList, StudentErrorQuestionList,
- StudentErrorQuestionDetailList, ClassErrorPushStudentList,
- StudentTaskErrorQuestionList, StudentTaskErrorDetail,
- ClassErrorRatioInfo)
- from schemas.problem import (CreateClassErrorPushRecordInfo, ClassErrorPushRecordInDB,
- StudentErrorBookQuestionList, UpdateClassErrorPushRecordInfo,
- ClassErrorPushRecordList, ClassErrorPushRecordDetail)
- from utils.depends import get_current_user, get_async_db
- router = APIRouter(tags=["错题中心-教师学生端"])
- @router.get("/cls-errs",
- response_model=ClassErrorQuestionList,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="班级错题列表")
- async def get_class_errors(page: int = 1,
- size: int = 10,
- school_id: int = Query(0, alias="sid", description="学校ID"),
- grade_id: int = Query(0, alias="gid", description="年级ID"),
- class_id: str = Query("", alias="cid", description="班级ID"),
- task_id: int = Query(0, alias="tid", description="阅卷任务ID"),
- kw: str = Query("", description="题目关键字"),
- ratio: int = Query(0, description="错题率"),
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Teacher = Depends(get_current_user)):
- # 查询条件
- _q = []
- if school_id: # 学校ID
- _q.append(ClassErrorQuestion.school_id == school_id)
- if grade_id: # 年级ID
- _q.append(ClassErrorQuestion.grade_id == grade_id)
- if class_id and (class_id != "0"): # 班级ID
- _q.append(ClassErrorQuestion.class_id == int(class_id))
- else:
- _q.append(
- ClassErrorQuestion.class_id.in_([int(x) for x in current_user.class_id.split(",")]))
- if task_id: # 试卷ID
- _q.append(ClassErrorQuestion.task_id == task_id)
- if ratio > 0:
- _q.append(ClassErrorQuestion.error_ratio >= min(ratio, 100))
- else:
- _q.append(ClassErrorQuestion.error_ratio > max(ratio, 0))
- if kw: # 题目关键字
- _q.append(ClassErrorQuestion.task_name.like(f"%{kw}%"))
- # 查询总数
- count_stmt = select(func.count()).select_from(ClassErrorQuestion).join(
- PaperQuestion, ClassErrorQuestion.qid == PaperQuestion.id)
- # 从学生答案表中查出所有的错题
- error_fields = [
- "student_count", "error_count", "error_ratio", "task_type", "task_name", "qid",
- "answer_dist"
- ]
- question_fields = ["stem", "answer", "analysis"]
- data_stmt = select(
- *[getattr(ClassErrorQuestion, x) for x in error_fields],
- *[getattr(PaperQuestion, x) for x in question_fields],
- ).select_from(ClassErrorQuestion).join(PaperQuestion,
- ClassErrorQuestion.qid == PaperQuestion.id)
- if _q:
- count_stmt = count_stmt.where(*_q)
- data_stmt = data_stmt.where(*_q)
- # 总数
- count = await crud_student_answer.execute_v2(db, count_stmt)
- total = count[0][0]
- # 错题列表
- data = []
- offset = (page - 1) * size
- data_stmt = data_stmt.limit(size).offset(offset).order_by(asc(ClassErrorQuestion.qid))
- db_questions = await crud_student_answer.execute_v2(db, data_stmt)
- for q in db_questions:
- temp = {
- "student_count": q[0],
- "error_count": q[1],
- "right_count": q[0] - q[1],
- "error_ratio": q[2],
- "task_type": q[3],
- "task_name": q[4],
- "qid": q[5],
- "stem": q[7],
- "answer": q[8],
- "analysis": q[9]
- }
- try:
- _dist = [{"key": k, "val": v} for k, v in json.loads(q[6]).items()]
- _dist.sort(key=lambda x: x["key"])
- except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
- _dist = []
- temp["dist"] = _dist
- data.append(temp)
- return {"data": data, "total": total}
- @router.get("/stu-errs",
- response_model=StudentErrorQuestionList,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="学生错题列表-综合")
- async def get_student_errors(page: int = 1,
- size: int = 10,
- school_id: int = Query(0, alias="sid", description="学校ID"),
- grade_id: int = Query(0, alias="gid", description="年级ID"),
- class_id: int = Query(0, alias="cid", description="班级ID"),
- kw: str = Query("", description="关键词"),
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Teacher = Depends(get_current_user)):
- _q = [StudentErrorQuestion.error_ratio > 0]
- if class_id: # 班级ID
- _q.append(StudentErrorQuestion.class_id == class_id)
- if school_id:
- _q.append(StudentErrorQuestion.school_id == school_id)
- if grade_id:
- _q.append(StudentErrorQuestion.grade_id == grade_id)
- else: # 通过school_id和grade_id查询class_id
- _sq = {}
- if school_id:
- _sq["school_id"] = school_id
- if grade_id:
- _sq["grade_id"] = grade_id
- if _sq:
- total, db_classes = await crud_class.find_all(db, filters=_sq, return_fields=["id"])
- if not total:
- return {"errcode": 400, "mess": "班级不存在!"}
- _q.append(StudentErrorQuestion.class_id.in_([x.id for x in db_classes]))
- if kw: # 关键词
- _q.append(
- or_(StudentErrorQuestion.student_sno == kw, StudentErrorQuestion.student_name == kw))
- # 返回结果
- offset = (page - 1) * size
- stmt = select(func.count(distinct(StudentErrorQuestion.student_id)))\
- .select_from(StudentErrorQuestion).where(*_q)
- total = (await crud_student_error_statistic.execute_v2(db, stmt))[0][0]
- stmt = select(StudentErrorQuestion.student_id, StudentErrorQuestion.student_sno,
- StudentErrorQuestion.student_name,
- func.sum(StudentErrorQuestion.total_questions).label("total_questions"),
- func.sum(StudentErrorQuestion.total_errors).label("total_errors"),
- func.sum(StudentErrorQuestion.work_error_count).label("work_error_count"),
- func.sum(StudentErrorQuestion.exam_error_count).label("exam_error_count"),
- func.avg(StudentErrorQuestion.error_ratio).label("error_ratio"))\
- .select_from(StudentErrorQuestion)\
- .where(*_q)\
- .group_by(StudentErrorQuestion.student_id,
- StudentErrorQuestion.student_sno,
- StudentErrorQuestion.student_name)\
- .offset(offset)\
- .limit(size)
- # 查询数据
- db_errors = await crud_student_error_statistic.execute_v2(db, stmt)
- return {"data": db_errors, "total": total}
- @router.get("/stu-errs/{sid}/tasks",
- response_model=StudentTaskErrorQuestionList,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="学生错题-任务错题统计")
- async def get_student_task_errors(page: int = 1,
- size: int = 10,
- student_id: int = Path(..., alias="sid", description="学生ID"),
- task_id: int = Query(0, alias="tid", description="任务ID"),
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Teacher = Depends(get_current_user)):
- # 查询条件
- _q = [StudentErrorQuestion.student_id == student_id, StudentErrorQuestion.error_ratio > 0]
- if task_id:
- _q.append(StudentErrorQuestion.task_id == task_id)
- # 查询错题统计数据
- offset = (page - 1) * size
- stmt = select(func.count(distinct(StudentErrorQuestion.task_id))) \
- .select_from(StudentErrorQuestion).where(*_q)
- total = (await crud_student_error_statistic.execute_v2(db, stmt))[0][0]
- stmt = select(
- StudentErrorQuestion.student_task_id, MarkTask.name, MarkTask.mtype,
- StudentErrorQuestion.total_questions, StudentErrorQuestion.work_error_count,
- StudentErrorQuestion.exam_error_count, StudentErrorQuestion.error_ratio, MarkTask.id)\
- .select_from(StudentErrorQuestion).join(MarkTask, StudentErrorQuestion.task_id == MarkTask.id)\
- .where(*_q).offset(offset).limit(size)
- # 查询数据
- data = []
- db_objs = await crud_student_error_statistic.execute_v2(db, stmt)
- for item in db_objs:
- temp = {
- "student_task_id": item[0],
- "task_name": item[1],
- "task_type": item[2],
- "total_count": item[3],
- "error_count": item[4] if item[2] == "work" else item[5],
- "error_ratio": item[6],
- "task_id": item[7]
- }
- data.append(temp)
- return {"data": data, "total": total}
- @router.get("/stu-errs/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/error-info",
- response_model=StudentTaskErrorDetail,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="学生阅卷任务错题信息(学生错题顶部使用)")
- async def get_task_error_info(student_id: int = Path(..., alias="sid", description="学生ID"),
- student_task_id: int = Path(..., alias="tid", description="学生阅卷任务ID"),
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Union[Teacher, Student] = Depends(get_current_user)):
- db_obj = await crud_student_error_statistic.find_one(db,
- filters={
- "student_id": student_id,
- "student_task_id": student_task_id
- })
- db_task = await crud_task.find_one(db, filters={"id": db_obj.task_id})
- data = {
- "student_sno": db_obj.student_sno,
- "student_name": db_obj.student_name,
- "total_questions": db_obj.total_questions,
- "total_errors": db_obj.total_errors,
- "error_ratio": db_obj.error_ratio,
- "task_id": db_obj.task_id,
- "task_name": db_task.name
- }
- if not db_obj:
- return {"errcode": 404, "mess": "阅卷任务不存在!"}
- return {"data": data}
- @router.get("/stu-errs/{sid}/tasks/{tid}/questions",
- response_model=StudentErrorQuestionDetailList,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="学生错题-错误试题列表")
- async def get_personal_errors(page: int = 1,
- size: int = 10,
- student_id: int = Path(..., alias="sid", description="学生ID"),
- student_task_id: int = Path(..., alias="tid", description="学生阅卷任务ID"),
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Union[Teacher, Student] = Depends(get_current_user)):
- # 返回结果
- data = []
- _q = {"incorrect": 1, "student_id": student_id, "student_task_id": student_task_id}
- question_ids = []
- question_dict = {}
- counter = 0
- offset = (page - 1) * size
- total, db_errors = await crud_student_answer.find_all(
- db,
- filters=_q,
- return_fields=["pid", "qid", "task_id", "task_name", "mtype", "qimg", "marked_img"],
- limit=size,
- offset=offset,
- order_by=[asc(StudentAnswer.qid)])
- for x in db_errors:
- question_dict[x.qid] = counter
- question_ids.append(x.qid)
- temp = {
- "pid": x.pid,
- "qid": x.qid,
- "marked_img": x.marked_img or x.qimg,
- "task_id": x.task_id,
- "task_name": x.task_name,
- "task_type": x.mtype.value
- }
- data.append(temp)
- counter += 1
- # 查询试题信息
- if data:
- _q = [PaperQuestion.pid == data[0]['pid']]
- if len(question_ids) == 1:
- _q.append(PaperQuestion.id == question_ids[0])
- else:
- _q.append(PaperQuestion.id.in_(question_ids))
- _, db_questions = await crud_question.find_all(
- db, filters=_q, return_fields=["id", "answer", "analysis", "level", "lpoints"])
- for x in db_questions:
- data[question_dict[x.id]].update({
- "answer": x.answer,
- "analysis": x.analysis,
- "level": x.level,
- "lpoints": x.lpoints
- })
- return {"data": data, "total": total}
- @router.get("/stu-errs/{sprid}/errbook",
- response_model=StudentErrorBookQuestionList,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="学生错题本")
- async def get_student_error_book(page: int = 1,
- size: int = 10,
- sprid: int = Path(..., description="学生错题推送记录ID"),
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Union[Teacher, Student] = Depends(get_current_user)):
- # 分页
- offset = (page - 1) * size
- # 学生错题推送记录
- db_error = await crud_student_push_record.find_one(db, filters={"id": sprid})
- # 根据学生错题推送记录中的试题ID去获取相应的试题
- _q = []
- if len(db_error.push_error_ids) == 1:
- _q.append(PaperQuestion.id == db_error.push_error_ids[0])
- else:
- _q.append(PaperQuestion.id.in_(db_error.push_error_ids))
- total, db_questions = await crud_question.find_all(db, filters=_q, limit=size, offset=offset)
- return {"data": db_questions, "total": total}
- @router.get("/stu-errs/{qid}/rel-questions",
- response_model=StudentErrorBookQuestionList,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="举一反三试题列表")
- async def get_related_questions(qid: int = Path(..., description="试题ID"),
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Union[Teacher, Student] = Depends(get_current_user)):
- # 举一反三,使用知识点查询+难度查询
- db_question = await crud_question.find_one(db, filters={"id": qid})
- _q = [
- PaperQuestion.id != qid, PaperQuestion.level == db_question.level,
- PaperQuestion.lpoints == db_question.lpoints
- ]
- total, db_questions = await crud_question.find_all(db, filters=_q, limit=3)
- return {"data": db_questions, "total": total}
- @router.get("/cls-push-errs",
- response_model=ClassErrorPushRecordList,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="错题推送记录列表")
- async def get_cls_push_records(page: int = 1,
- size: int = 10,
- school_id: int = Query(0, alias="sid", description="学校ID"),
- grade_id: int = Query(0, alias="gid", description="年级ID"),
- class_id: int = Query(0, alias="cid", description="班级ID"),
- task_id: int = Query(0, alias="tid", description="阅卷任务ID"),
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Teacher = Depends(get_current_user)):
- _q = {}
- if school_id:
- _q["school_id"] = school_id
- if grade_id:
- _q["grade_id"] = grade_id
- if class_id:
- _q["class_id"] = class_id
- if task_id:
- _q["task_id"] = task_id
- # 查询并返回
- total, db_records = await crud_class_push_record.find_all(db,
- filters=_q,
- limit=size,
- offset=(page - 1) * size)
- return {"data": db_records, "total": total}
- @router.get("/cls-push-errs/{prid}",
- response_model=ClassErrorPushStudentList,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="班级错题推送详情")
- async def get_cls_error_push_record(page: int = 1,
- size: int = 10,
- prid: int = Path(..., description="班级错题推送记录ID"),
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Teacher = Depends(get_current_user)):
- # 判断推送记录是否存在
- db_prd = await crud_class_push_record.find_one(db, filters={"id": prid})
- if not db_prd:
- return {"errcode": 400, "mess": "推送记录不存在!"}
- # 查询学生推送记录
- return_fields = [
- "id", "student_id", "student_sno", "student_name", "push_error_count", "printed",
- "created_at"
- ]
- total, db_student_push_records = await crud_student_push_record.find_all(
- db,
- filters={"push_record_id": {db_prd.id}},
- return_fields=return_fields,
- limit=size,
- offset=(page - 1) * size)
- return {"data": db_student_push_records, "total": total}
- @router.post("/cls-push-errs",
- response_model=ClassErrorPushRecordDetail,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="创建错题推送")
- async def create_error_push_record(info: CreateClassErrorPushRecordInfo,
- bgtask: BackgroundTasks,
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Teacher = Depends(get_current_user)):
- # 判断班级是否存在
- db_class = await crud_class.find_one(db, filters={"id": info.class_id})
- if not db_class:
- return {"errcode": 400, "mess": "班级不存在!"}
- info.school_id = db_class.school_id
- info.grade_id = db_class.grade_id
- # 判断阅卷任务是否存在
- db_task = await crud_task.find_one(db, filters={"id": info.task_id})
- if not db_task:
- return {"errcode": 400, "mess": "阅卷任务不存在!"}
- if db_task.status != 2:
- return {"errcode": 400, "mess": "任务批阅中,不能推送错题!"}
- # 判断学生是否存在
- _q = [and_(Student.class_id == info.class_id, Student.id.in_(info.student_ids))]
- student_count, db_students = await crud_student.find_all(db, filters=_q)
- if student_count != len(info.student_ids):
- return {"errcode": 400, "mess": "有学生不存在!"}
- # 获取错题总数
- stmt = select(func.sum(case((ClassErrorQuestion.error_ratio > 0, 1), else_=0)),
- func.count()).select_from(ClassErrorQuestion).where(
- ClassErrorQuestion.class_id == db_class.id,
- ClassErrorQuestion.task_id == db_task.id)
- result = list(await crud_class_error_statistic.execute_v2(db, stmt))
- error_count, total_count = result[0] if result else (0, 0)
- if not error_count:
- return {
- "errcode": 400,
- "mess": f"{'考试' if db_task.mtype == 'exam' else '作业'}【{db_task.name}】无错题可推送!"
- }
- # 创建班级错题推送记录
- cls_error = ClassErrorPushRecordInDB(school_id=db_class.school_id,
- grade_id=db_class.grade_id,
- class_id=db_class.id,
- class_name=db_class.name,
- task_id=db_task.id,
- task_name=db_task.name,
- task_type=db_task.mtype,
- error_count=error_count,
- student_count=db_class.student_amount,
- push_student_count=student_count,
- push_student_ids=info.student_ids,
- creator_id=current_user.id,
- creator_name=current_user.name,
- editor_id=current_user.id,
- editor_name=current_user.name)
- db_cls_error = await crud_class_push_record.insert_one(db, cls_error)
- # 后台异步创建学生推送列表
- bgtask.add_task(bgtask_create_student_push_record, db_task, db_class, total_count,
- db_cls_error.id, db_students, current_user)
- return {"data": db_cls_error}
- @router.put("/cls-push-errs/{prid}",
- response_model=ClassErrorPushRecordDetail,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="更新班级错题推送记录")
- async def update_error_push_record(info: UpdateClassErrorPushRecordInfo,
- bg_task: BackgroundTasks,
- prid: int = Path(..., description="班级错题推送记录ID"),
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Teacher = Depends(get_current_user)):
- # 判断推送记录是否存在
- db_prd = await crud_class_push_record.find_one(db, filters={"id": prid})
- if not db_prd:
- return {"errcode": 400, "mess": "推送记录不存在!"}
- info_dict = info.dict(exclude_none=True)
- # 判断推送学生是否变更
- if ("student_ids" in info_dict) and (info_dict["student_ids"] != db_prd.push_student_ids):
- post_student_set = set(info_dict["student_ids"])
- pushed_student_set = set(db_prd.push_student_ids)
- add_students = post_student_set - pushed_student_set # 待添加的学生
- del_students = pushed_student_set - post_student_set # 待删除的学生
- # 判断学生是否存在
- student_count, db_students = await crud_student.find_all(
- db,
- filters=[and_(Student.class_id == db_prd.class_id, Student.id.in_(add_students))],
- )
- if student_count != len(add_students):
- return {"errcode": 400, "mess": "有学生不存在!"}
- # 后台异步创建/删除学生推送列表
- if add_students:
- bg_task.add_task(bgtask_clone_student_push_record, db, db_prd, db_students,
- current_user)
- if del_students:
- bg_task.add_task(bgtask_delete_student_push_record, db, db_prd, del_students)
- return {"data": db_prd}
- @router.delete("/cls-push-errs/{prid}",
- response_model=DetailMixin,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="删除班级错题推送记录")
- async def delete_cls_push_record(bg_task: BackgroundTasks,
- prid: int = Path(..., description="班级错题推送记录ID"),
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Teacher = Depends(get_current_user)):
- # 删除班级错题推送记录
- try:
- await crud_class_push_record.delete(db, obj_id=prid)
- except Exception as ex:
- print(f"[ERROR] 删除班级推送列表失败! 错误信息: {str(ex)}")
- else:
- bg_task.add_task(bgtask_delete_student_push_record, db, prid) # 删除相关的学生推送记录
- return {"data": None}
- @router.post("/cls-err/ratio",
- response_model=DetailMixin,
- response_model_exclude_none=True,
- summary="设置阅卷任务错题率")
- async def set_class_error_ratio(info: ClassErrorRatioInfo,
- db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_db),
- current_user: Teacher = Depends(get_current_user)):
- # 校验task是否存在
- db_task = await crud_task.find_one(db, filters={"id": info.task_id})
- if not db_task:
- return {"errcode": 404, "mess": "阅卷任务不存在!"}
- obj4upd = UpdateMarkTaskInfo(error_ratio=info.ratio)
- await crud_task.update(db, db_task, obj4upd)
- return {"data": info.ratio}